The hydrogen grid is coming
Hydrogen is evolving into one of the pillars of the energy transition. As a climate-neutral resource and energy carrier or as storage medium for renewable energies – the potential for is great for every sector. A high-performance hydrogen grid is the key to exploiting these opportunities and ensuring security of supply. Nowega is one of the first mover companies building up the future network. We already have great expertise in the planning of hydrogen networks and connection pipelines.
Network development until 2032
Through the successive development of the network, with the highest possible use of existing infrastructure (approx. 90 % of the power system shown below), our infrastructure for the transport of hydrogen is as follows over time:
The diagram shows the continuation of the pipeline connection from the previous section between Lehrte and Salzgitter. As the last section of the transport pipeline, this section is of central importance for hydrogen transport within Germany.
The Nowega pipeline section between Walsrode in the north and Lehrte in the south is a central building block for hydrogen transport from Wilhelmshaven to Salzgitter. Together with the partners uniper, bp, Gasunie, NWO and Salzgitter Flachstahl, Nowega is developing an integrated value chain. In addition to the steel industry in Salzgitter as the main customer, numerous other players along the transport route will benefit, such as municipal utilities, industrial estates and communities. Commissioning is planned for October 2029.
Together with regional partners, we are also developing a concept for the further course of the route with regard to requirements and time sequences. The exchange on the coordination of the concrete implementation is carried out by partners along the entire value chain. This project section also builds on existing infrastructure. The exchange about the implementation of the line is open to interested parties.
Together with various regional partners, we are currently developing a collective picture in order to define requirements and time sequences. Two options concerning the route of the pipeline are under discussion. Both options run around the city of Osnabrück and are suitable for the efficient transport of hydrogen. Various partners along the value chain are exchanging views on which of the two routes will be implemented by 2029.
Both pipeline options are based on the use of existing infrastructure. This offers the advantage of low costs and little noise pollution during the implementation phase. The exchange between the partners on the realisation of the pipeline route is open to interested parties.
In the "GET H2 Nukleus" project, Nowega has joined forces with various partners - bp, Evonik, Open Grid Europe, thyssengas, RWE Gas Storage West and RWE Generation - to build a 130 km hydrogen network with non-discriminatory access and transparent pricing. The network connects the production site of hydrogen respectively the import point from the Netherlands with industrial consumers in Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia. The hydrogen demand can be structured via connected storage facilities.
You want to know more about the project?
Go to Details on the technical implementation can be found at
GET H2 – Kicking off the hydrogen infrastructure
The hydrogen initiative GET H2 consists of more than 50 companies, institutions and municipalities that are actively involved in the development of the hydrogen economy in Germany and Europe. Nowega is a founding member and coordinator of the initiative.
Together with partners bp, Evonik, OGE and RWE, Nowega is planning to set up one of the first industrial integrated hydrogen projects with the GET H2 Nucleus project. By 2025, a hydrogen pipeline from Nowega is planned to connect the production of green hydrogen in Lingen with industrial demand in Gelsenkirchen. The expansion of the project with the connection of a storage facility, further consumers, regional distribution networks and import routes is also already planned.
Your contact
How can I benefit from the development of the hydrogen network? Can my company be connected to the pipelines for the transport of hydrogen?
If you are asking yourself these questions, we should talk. Just call us,
Christian Schräder
+49 160 362 53 83