Legal Disclosure
Company Information:
Nowega GmbH
Anton-Bruchausen-Straße 4
48147 Münster
Phone +49 251 60998-0
Fax +49 251 60998-999
Registered office of the company: Münster
Registry court: District court (Amtsgericht) of Münster, Registry number HRB 10136
VAT ID: DE 280704726
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Stephan Dietzmann
Managing Director: Frank Heunemann
Responsible for content of website:
Sebastian Koch
Phone +49 251 60998-300
Fax +49 251 60998-999
Exclusion of liability, copyright protection, image credits and data protection liability disclaimer:
Nowega GmbH does not assume any liability or guarantee for the currency, accuracy or completeness of the information and data provided and reserves the right to change or supplement the data provided at any time. Despite a careful review process, we do not assume any liability for the contents of external links. The operators of linked pages are solely responsible for the contents of these pages.
Copy right protection:
Unless otherwise provided, content may be reproduced stating the source.