Hier gehts zur Leitungsauskunft
Netznahe Dienstleistungen des Fernleitungsnetzbetreibers Nowega in Münster

Publication Obligations in Accordance with Regulation (EC) 715/2009

This section contains information on our network and our services in accordance with the legal requirements of Annex I 3.1.2 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009.

3.1.2 a) – d)
You will find the information on our network and services as specified under items a) to d) of 3.1.2 in Nowega GmbH’s Network Access Conditions.

A detailed and comprehensive description of the various services we offer and the related fees is contained in our price list and in the current version of the Cooperation Agreement (CA). The different types of transport contracts available for the services, the network code, standard terms and conditions and the harmonised procedures applied when using the transmission system, including the definition of key terms, are contained in Network Access Conditions (NAC) and the Supplementary Provisions to the Network Access Conditions (SPNAC)

3.1.2 e)
The rules on the procedures for capacity allocation, congestion management, and anti-hoarding and re-utilisation are contained in the Gas Network Access Regulation (GNAR).

3.1.2 f)
You will find the rules applicable to capacity trade on the secondary market on the PRISMA secondary platform.

3.1.2 g) – h)
Rules regarding the balancing of volume discrepancies and the methods for calculating the balancing fees and, if applicable, the flexibility and tolerance levels plus any flexibility offered in addition thereto including the corresponding charges are published on the Trading Hub Europe market area cooperation’s website.

3.1.2 i)
You will find the information on our network  overview.

3.1.2 j)
The rules for connecting to the network operated by Nowega GmbH are contained in the Network Access Conditions.

3.1.2. k) – l)
Information on the emergency mechanisms, other general liability regulations, and the procedures agreed with Nowega concerning the coupling points and interoperability that are relevant for grid users’ access to the respective transmission networks, the procedures for nomination and matching, and any other procedures for allocating load flows and balancing volume discrepancies are contained in Nowega GbmH’s NAC and the SPNAC.

3.1.2 m)
Nowega determines technical capacities on the basis of fluid mechanical network simulations. This involves checking whether the technical and contractual parameters can be met for various scenarios.
Contractual parameters are defined by negotiated takeover and transfer pressures as well as capacities at entry/exit points and points of exchange within the market area. In addition, the configuration data of the existing gas pressure control and metering systems are included in the network simulation.
Taking the aforementioned input variables into account, it is checked whether the capacity contracted or requested by the shipper can be represented in various scenarios, such as in the case of a temperature-related maximum load.

You will find information on Nowega GmbH’s relevant points in our transparency database. Click here for our maintenance schedule and works with potential effect on contractual agreements.

3.4.1 und 2
You will find information pertaining to the secondary market on PRISMA secondary.

Information on balancing services is provided by Trading Hub Europe as the responsible party for the market area.

Since 1. April 2013, Trading Hub Europe has published the aggregated balancing status of all users at the beginning of each balancing period in accordance with the Directive (EC) 715/2009, Annex I, Item 3.4.5, along with the projected aggregated balancing status of all users at the end of each gas day.

Please refer to our price list to view our tariffs. Additional tariff information is published on PRISMA primary.

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You will find the structural feature of Nowega GmbH at our downloads.

Other Publication Obligations

This section contains information about market based instruments. THE provides the process description (PDF-file in section “Kapazitätsrückkauf”) according to ANIKA determination (as of 01.10.2024).